Sunday, July 02, 2006

The Cost of Freedom

Please join me in recognizing the loss of another Redbull Soldier.
SPC Kyle Miller, a member of the Minnesota National Guard, 682nd Engineer Battalion, within the 134 BSB, died resulting from injuries sustained while on a convoy in Iraq this past week. Kyle was 19 years old and I am sure his family and friends and fellow soldiers could all use some prayers and support right now.

Kyle was among the 2,600 Minnesotans who were part of 4,000 National Guard and Army Reserve troops deployed in March, back when I began this blog to show my support for my Redbull friends and all other military men and women.

To read more about SPC Kyle Miller please click here.


proud fan said...

thanks for coming by sage, and thanks for the prayers for his family - I'm sure they can use them all. Hope you'll come again.

Anonymous said...

Prayers going up for family and friends. Always hate to see this, but thank you for always remembering.

Anonymous said...

May he rest in peace, may his family find peace as well.