Monday, March 20, 2006

My Soldier, My Friend

For Jason:

For 15 years we have been friends...
We have walked, and ran,
in sunshine and in rain...
We have splashed in mud puddles,
sung with the radio, played in the snow,
made wishes on stars,
and danced as only we dance...
We have laughed, and we have cried...
We have talked about the past,
enjoyed the here and now,
and shared dreams of the future...
We've discussed politics, religion, philosophy...
We have challenged one another to grow...
You taught me how to drive a manual transmission,
I got the car stuck... and we had to get it out in the dark...
You taught me how to stand up for myself and think on my feet...
I started to win more arguments, with you, a feat entirely worthy of a medal...
I taught you that it's okay to be human -
and you began to acknowledge that you were... sometimes...
admitting that even a soldier has to have feelings once in awhile...
We've argued, wrestled, and made up...
We both agree that the other is the most stubborn person we've ever met,
yet we choose the company of each other-
over those who cannot make up their minds on their own.
We've rebelled together, challenged authority together,
gotten into trouble, and out of trouble, together...
and blazed many a trail side by side...

Now, I'm here, and you are there...
I can't be with you on this journey,
and I can't walk beside you on the path you must take...
You will be accompanied by a band of brothers,
and you will affect their lives, as they will yours.
I will be here waiting...
I already miss your face - that cocky grin and mischievious smile...
And when you return, as I pray every day that you will,
we will share more of the things in this life that make fighting for freedom worthwhile...

I love you.



proud fan said...

You are so very welcome, come by anytime.

Anonymous said...

This is my son. The message was written by one of his dearest friends. It is nice to know that others think as highly of him as I do myself. Jason will be in Iraq within days now. I don't get to speak with him very often, but as I write this, there are tears rolling down my cheek. They are tears of pride, love and fear. I have spent the best part of my life raising him as a single parent and providing for his needs. Now I can only let loose and send him into the world with only the protection of my prayers for his safety. I love him more than words can ever express and hope to see him safely back at my door. Pray for them one and all.
-A very proud father-

proud fan said...

Mike - I am so glad you came by. Thanks for your support and love.

Anonymous said...

what a beautiful tribute to your friend. he is lucky to have you. you have a very nice site here, keep up the good work.